Hello there, all. I haven’t written on here in a long time because I’ve been addressing personal . . . events, shall we say. To put it succinctly, I’m moving from Houston to Dallas with my family in early 2019. Change is never easy, but it usually brings growth and opportunities for improvement. I look forward to seeing I grow as a writer because of this change.

Most of my clients have been geographically close to me, so with this move I will gain exposure to new people and audiences to share my abilities with. (Yes, I know I just ended a sentence with a preposition. Breathe. It’s okay.) I’m ready to develop even more!

Although in the process of moving, I’m still going to be working and delivering great pieces of writing and editing. The show must go on after all.

If you would like to discuss your project, email me at info@laceyiswriting.com or comment below. I would love to work with you!